dermalogica Brisbane

Living with Maskne

Maskne: Everything You Need to Know About Breakouts Caused by Wearing a Face Mask


You may have noticed the term “maskne” popping up in recent times. So what exactly is maskne? In technical terms, maskne is a form of acne mechanica. This is where a combination of friction and heat leads to the eruption of breakouts on the targeted area of the skin.


Acne mechanica is typically common among athletes who wear tight fitted clothing and equipment such as shoulder pads and helmets. But with the introduction of face masks, we’re witnessing a new driver of acne mechanica.


Maskne and The Skin’s Microbiome

As mentioned, wearing a mask creates friction and heat on the skin. This in turn increases circulation, sweating and oil flow. What’s more, your face mask traps in your breath, which further increases humidity. The result? A whole new micro-climate under the mask. 


By now you may be familiar with the notion that just like our gut, our skin is home to a unique, abundant bacteria community. Some of these bacteria are good, working hard to promote a healthy, balanced skin. And of course, there are the “bad” bacteria that can disrupt the harmony of our skin.


The change in micro-climate caused by wearing a face mask brings about a change in our skin’s microbiome. This new hot and damp environment, along with the increase in oil, is the perfect climate for acne causing bacteria to multiply and thrive - hence the link between wearing a face mask and getting breakouts on your cheeks and around your mouth. This is also the area of the face where women tend to break out around menstruation or when they’re experiencing prolonged stress (which many of us can testify to currently).


How to Prevent Maskne

First things first, prevention is always better than cure. There are several things you can do to help to keep your skin clear in the era of the face mask, starting with the face mask itself.


Find a face mask that fits properly, but isn’t too tight, as this will only cause more friction and heat. 

If you have a fabric face mask, make sure it’s washed every day. It's best having a number of masks so you can rotate them and have a clean one to wear each day. If you’re opting for a disposable mask, then d-is-p-o-s-e of it (correctly and ethically) after use; these should only be worn once. 


Also, try to go make-up free under the mask. If you’re wearing make-up with comedogenic (congestion causing) ingredients, such as artificial colours, this will add to the problem. If you require some level of coverage, Skin Perfect Primer SPF30  provides a “non-make-up, make-up look”. Not only does it protect from UV rays, it contains Hyaluronic Acid to increase hydration and crushed Pearl Powder which imparts a natural glow. Or you can also try a healthy mineral makeup like Youngblood Mineral Makeup which is a weightless, breathable mineral blend


Having a consistent and comprehensive skin regimen is increasingly important right now. To keep your skin clean and free from excess oil, be sure to kick off your daily skincare routine with a double cleanse. Your first cleanse with a pre cleansing oil or balm, the second with a skin specific cleanser. Plant based oils or balms act like magnets for the oils on your skin, binding to oil soluble dirt and grime – when you add water, it lifts off the oil, dirt and grime, so it is rinsed away. Chose from PreCleanse Oil, or for a direr skin, PreCleanse Balm.


Exfoliation is your skin saviour from preventing maskne. It’ll help to reduce build up in the pore, a key factor in the formation of breakouts. It’ll also up your glow and your serums and moisturisers will absorb better on a freshly exfoliated skin. Daily Superfoliant is designed to give the skin a gentle detox every day. It combines the power of detoxifying and brightening Activated Charcoal, with skin smoothing enzymes and AHA’s. It also has a specialised complex to protect the skin from pollution, which is equally in the home as it is outside. It can be used once a day, or every few days, to keep skin smooth, clear and protected. 



Treating Your Mask Related Breakouts 

If you are experiencing breakouts from your mask, treat them head on with a targeted spot treatment such as AGE Bright Spot Fader. This gentle, yet powerful treatment contains a patented complex that supports the skin’s good bacteria while tackling the acne causing bacteria. As a secondary function, it helps fade the post-breakout marks, so keep applying until any evidence of your breakouts has gone.


If you’re getting congestion as opposed to angry breakouts, treat your skin to a prebiotic cleanser such as Active Clay Cleanser. Along with the prebiotic technology that keeps the skin’s balanced, it features detoxifying Activated Charcoal, plus botanical lipids, that together leave the skin feeling clean and soft.


Face Mask Skin Irritation

Unfortunately, breakouts are not the only skin related side effect from wearing a mask. For some of us, we’re finding our skin is red, angry and sensitised from the friction and heat (Irritant Contact Dermatitis). The type of detergent used to wash your mask could also be contributing to increased skin sensitivity. If this is you, keep your skincare regimen simple, avoid artificial fragrances and focus on Dermalogica's UltraCalming system.


Face masks are the future (and for good reason). If you’re suffering from maskne, practice good mask hygiene and make some enhancements to your skincare routine, to manage this emerging skin condition. For more advice and a personalised approach, book in a professional facial with one of our trained Sass Beauty Centre skin therapists.

We need to LOVE washing off makeup at night

No matter how many times you’ve been told to wash off all your makeup before bed, sometimes you just can’t seem to make it happen... We’ve all been there before. Even as a professional skin therapist, I admit I am fully guilty of having slept with a full face of makeup. And waking up the next morning to a huge zit on the side of my face (NEVER AGAIN) has forced me to realize how crucial it is to make sure it all gets properly cleansed off. Let’s talk about the icky stuff that happens to your skin when you nix removing your makeup before bedtime! 

key things to remember about leaving your makeup on:  

  1. Your Pores Will Become Clogged and You Will Breakout

  2. Your Complexion Will Appear Dull

  3. Your Skin Will Look Older

  4. Your Skin Will Look and Feel Dry

  5. Your Skin Will Become Irritated

  6. You Risk Eye Infection

1: your pores will become clogged and you will breakout 

During the day, your makeup acts like a magnet holding onto pollution, oils, dirt, and dead skin. Leaving all that on your face overnight is like an open invitation for bacteria, clogged pores, breakouts, and  blackheads.  Even if you’re someone who wears non-comedogenic makeup (we love a good comedogenic foundation), it can still clog your pores and cause acne if left on the skin overnight. If large pores are a concern of yours, sleeping in makeup certainly won’t help! Dirt/makeup left in the pores will make them more noticeable and appear instantly larger.  

2:  your complexion will appear dull 

Sleeping in makeup interferes with the natural shedding or exfoliation process of the skin. All that dirt and debris trap dead skin cells on the surface overnight, leaving skin rough, dull, and lackluster. And that can oftentimes then lead us to putting on even more makeup the next day to get that glow back with some extra bronzer or contouring. Always aim to break that cycle! 

3: your skin will look older  

At night our skin goes through a natural recovery process, working to repair itself from any damage experienced throughout the day. Not taking your makeup off will age you because makeup mixed with dirt and pollution that builds on the skin can hinder its ability to successfully renew itself at night. And this is what can causing premature aging. It can also lead to a breakdown of collagen in the skin. And when collagen is not being produced properly, your skin looses firmness and may begin aging faster than it’s supposed to.   

4:  your skin will look and feel dry 

Leftover makeup residue can prevent the absorption of skincare products by creating a barrier between your skin and any products you are putting on top of it. So that means not properly removing all your makeup prevents any beneficial ingredients in your nightly routine from penetrating the skin's surface. No one wants to waste a drop of their holy grail moisturizer they may have majorly splurged on, so always make sure your makeup is thoroughly gone before you move on to the next step of any skincare routine. 

5: your skin will become irritated

Makeup often contains ingredients that irritate the skin like dyes and perfumes. When left on the skin for long periods of time, these irritants can cause inflammation, irritation and redness. And again, that can sometimes lead to applying even more makeup the next day to cover it up.   

6: you risk eye infections 

Leaving your eye makeup on overnight can lead to eye infection and irritation. Just as bad, a stye can form from mascara clogging glands connected to your eyelashes. Your eyelids are extremely thin and sensitive, so make sure to treat them with care.

The bottom line is removing your makeup is very important. Even if you're super tired, wash your face before heading to bed — your skin will definitely thank you later. By establishing a proper cleansing routine, you will set yourself up for a fresh, supple, and smooth canvas for your makeup masterpieces into the future. If you are someone who loves a full face of makeup, double cleansing scores you a much better clean. You would be surprised at what's left on your skin even after a single cleanse... Starting off with an oil-based cleanser such as the Dermalogica Precleanse that will dissolve and melt away any trace of makeup is a great first step to a proper clean and makeup removal. Follow that up with a gentle cleanser appropriate for your skin type, and you're good to go. Our favorite is ourBreakout Clearing Foaming Wash, which is great for all skin types, even dry skin. This face wash gently washes away dirt, excess oils, and dead skin cells which cause breakouts. Don't forget to moisturize afterwards and be sure to avoid over-cleansing! Washing your skin morning and night is the perfect amount, and adding a double cleanse to your skin care routine will help keep your skin clean. If your skin is having severe reactions to makeup, even with a proper cleanse, we recommend seeking out a dermatologist and getting professional advice. 

So the next time you're feeling too lazy to wash your face before bed, think twice! 

Does skin microneedling suit me?


Microneedling has a huge following in recent years. With the release of more sophisticated skin pens such as Dermapen you have to experience the most effective skin rejuvenation procedure on the market today.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), is a skin rejuvenation procedure that involves puncturing the skin to stimulate collagen production. It involves the use of a microneedling device, a tool that creates micro injuries on the skin which then induces the skin’s natural healing process.

White blood cells, connective tissues, collagen, and elastin populate the micro injuries created to reveal soft, smooth, and flawless skin.

What skin issues do microneedling solve?

One of the major benefits of microneedling is that it addresses a myriad of skin problems for both men and women. Here are the common indications for microneedling:

  • Improves the texture and overall appearance of the skin

  • Reduction in the volume of blackheads appearing on the skin

  • Reduce pore size resulting in smoother skin

  • Helps in stopping acne and cystic acne progression

  • Exfoliates skin thoroughly

  • Slows down the signs of skin aging as evidenced by reduced fine lines and wrinkles

  • Diminishes the appearance of scars and stretch marks

How soon do skin benefits appear on the skin?

You will notice an improvement on the appearance and texture of the skin after one session. The long-term benefits however become noticeable 8 to 12 weeks after your initial procedure. For best results, one must undergo microneedling every 6 to 8 weeks. Period in between allows for the skin to heal properly and for new skin cells to fill in the micro injuries created by the skin pen device.

Brighten & Firm with Dermalogica's BioLumin C

Vitamin C is so much more than just an oral supplement you were forced to take when you got a cold. In fact, it’s a huge factor in collagen production which is the main ingredient of new skin cells.

If you want your skin to constantly refresh and repair itself, you need your Vitamin C (guess your mum was right after all!). Skincare brands have been catching on and creating fantastic beauty products infused with Vitamin C, and our skin gets to reap the benefits. But not all skincare products are made equal.

Dermalogica’s Biolumin-C serum delivers 3 x more vitamin C into the skin than leading competitors. A high performance vitamin C serum that works with the skins own defenses to brighten and firm.

Our daily dose of UV and pollution leaves it mark on our skin. Over time, our environment, coupled with our fast-paced lifestyles, equate to a dull, devitalised and older looking skin. It’s no secret that Vitamin C is the go to ingredient for slowing down these effects and firming and brightening the skin. Plus, it’s an antioxidant so it protects from the daily triggers in our environment that speed up the ageing process, an important fact to know about this skincare powerhouse.


Wrinkles, stretch marks, sun damage, inflammation, acne scarring, and dry skin are just a few of the skin problems that Vitamin C serums can help with, but the confidence you’ll gain from fresh, healthy skin? The gift that keeps on giving.

Come on in to Sass Beauty Centre where you can try Dermalogica’s BioLumin C serum, and also the BioLumin C eye serum - you’ll love them as much as we do!

Learning more at Sass Beauty

I have been in the beauty industry for a over 12 years  working with many wonderful skincare ranges and doing a wide range of facials over that time.  Now working at Sass Beauty Salon it is the first time I have worked with Dermalogica. I have been lucky enough to go through their thorough education program available to me through Sass Beauty Salon. It has been a great introduction into Dermalogica, an insight as to who they are as a company and what they stand for. They have a strong belief in skin health, real ingredients and real results. I have been learning each product from their extensive range in depth, such as their ingredients, their purpose and their benefits which helps me decide which products will be best for you and your skin’s needs and to give you the best results.  I am now Certified and am aiming to achieve the next tier – Dermalogica Specialist, then the next and highest tier again – Dermalogica Expert. I have definitely found a few new favourite products to add to my own collection, like the beautiful brightening and hydrating Biolumin C eye serum and our soft, calming and hydrating Sound Sleep Cocoon night cream.

 This amazing journey has also thought me about Dermalogica’s range of advanced in depth facials. Such as their ProSkin 30 facial, ProSkin 60 facial and Dermalogica’s amazing Pro Power Peels. Each of these facials can be tailored to your skin’s specific needs to get the best results possible.

It has been an honour to be given the opportunity from Sass Beauty to be a part of Dermalogica’s education program. I’m so excited about my on going journey with Dermalogica and Sass Beauty to strengthen and grow as a Beauty Therapist and Personal Skin Therapist. To pass on everything I am learning to my beautiful clients to pamper and educate to the best of my abilities.

Emily x


Dermalogica Pro Power Peel

What is it?

Chemical peels are one of the most popular professional skin care services today because they can improve the quality, texture and colour of the skin. Often times people can be sceptical and almost afraid to have the treatment done as they are concerned of side effects known to be associated with a peel treatment, such as inflammation, discoloration and scarring. With Pro Power Peel, you can get the same powerful results without the associated risks or downtime. In fact, your skin will look and feel healthier than ever!

 Whats the downtime?

Peels deliver AMAZING results and can transform your complexion no matter what your skincare concern. This treatment requires literally no down time meaning that you can continue with your day as normal. Dermalogica as a skincare brand stands on the core value of promoting skin health, so when they designed this peel, they designed it to work with the skin’s chemistry, not against it. There is literally no down time with this peel. Dermalogica opted to create a peel that can be carried out on a more frequent basis as opposed to pushing the skins natural chemistry to the point of severe inflammation and other side effect often times associated with other facial treatments out there. It literally redefines the ‘peel’ experience.

What are the options?

As trained skin therapists we will analyse your skin and choose from the following as which is the most suitable peel at your appointment

  • UltraBright Peel: An ultra-effective brightening peel that targets the appearance of early signs of ageing with 30% Lactic Acid.

  • Advanced Renewal Peel: A powerful 30% Glycolic Acid peel that resurfaces skin to help minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Power Clear Peel: A dynamic multi-acid complex featuring 2% Salicylic Acid with 10% Mandelic Acid, 15% Malic Acid and a patented Terpineol-Thymol Complex to target blemishes and the appearance of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

How do I prep my skin?

Before The treatment:

Because the Pro Power Peel is packed full of highly active ingredients it is important that you are not pregnant or breastfeeding and have not done the following:

  • Used Retin-A in the last 48 hours

  • Exfoliated within the last 48 hours

  • Waxed within the last 72 hours.

  • Had any skin resurfacing treatments including: laser, IPL, light therapy, microdermabrasion or chemical peels in the last Two Weeks

  • Received Botox or other injectables in the past week.

What skin concerns will the Pro Power Peel address?

This powerful peel smooths skin while targeting individual skin concerns for a completely customised experience, the Pro Power Peel can treat a multitude of concerns such as hyperpigmentation, breakout, anti aging, dull skin, and all over general skin health, we can target separate concerns in one visit.

Each of the peels in the Pro Power Peel collection is efficacious enough to use alone. However, when used together, they allow our Sass Beauty Centre skin therapists to create custom treatments that target a broad range of skin concerns.

What post treatment care do I need to follow at home?
Immediately after your Pro Power Peel treatment, your skin may appear red and flushed. As your skin goes through the renewal process, it is normal to experience dryness, redness and tightness, as well as some peeling or flaking within a week. You may also notice a more pronounced appearance of pigmentation as it rises to the skin’s surface. These side effects will subside quickly with proper post-treatment care. The post treatment care will be explained in detail and are to be followed for effective results. Clients typically notice dramatically improved skin quality, texture and tone within three treatments. Ideally, a series of three to six treatments are suggested depending on the skincare target and goal. They are typically performed fortnightly for maximum result.

What is your October offer Sass Beauty Centre?

Sass Beauty Centre is offering you a huge saving of $133 when you sign up for our 12 week skin program, you will receive peels every 2 weeks for 12 weeks and also get to take home your aftercare kit which is included in the price, regular price is $628 and you receive this deal for $495. Book your appointment here - click the specials tab - then click the October peel deal special, or call us on 33513623 to discuss.

Whether you want a quick pick-me-up, or an in-depth skin treatment, Sass Beauty Centre’s Dermalogica professional skin treatments are completely tailored to your skin's needs, and this is one of our absolute favourites to deliver you results!

To find out more about the Dermalogica Pro Power Peel, speak to our experienced therapists today.

Learning new techniques in Cosmetic Tattoo at Sass Beauty

I have been an cosmetic tattooist for a few years now and I have branched out over time and explored different areas of Cosmetic tattoo, recently I pursued one on one training at Sass Beauty Ferny Grove and invited the talented cosmetic tattooist trainer Leigh to Sass Beauty. We spent the days going over Eyeliner tattoo techniques and involved new and exciting ways to make the best of my Lip Blush cosmetic tattoo technique.

I absolutely love being a cosmetic tattooist and the days where I am booked out with tattoo appointments are my most exciting days, I have gotten quite busy with bookings since the Sass Beauty premises became licensed by the QLD Government to perform cosmetic tattoo procedures. I have been re investing in new equipment and a brand new beautiful machine.

My main goal is to provide a high quality service with amazing results, I believe we all never stop learning. I have thought about it, and how I measure success is the feeling I have at the end of the day, I feel my best when I learn and grow as a person, as a beauty therapist, cosmetic tattooist, mother, wife, family member, friend, to keep things solid, as fresh as possible and never stale. Every day I strive to improve with technique and ensure I have paved the way for the best possible outcome, to learn from experiences and value every experience, to create a strong foundation with the best possible products and equipment available in the world right here in Ferny Grove. Stay tuned for brand new products and exciting new additions at our beauty salon, Sass Beauty Ferny Grove.

Your Brow Lady Erica x

Dermalogica training AT SASS BEAUTY Salon

Here at Sass Beauty Salon we had such a fun afternoon on Wednesday. We had the amazing ladies from Dermalogica come into Sass Beauty Salon. Anita our lovely Dermalogica business consultatnt and Hayley a talented education trainer for Dermalogica.

It’s always good to let our hair down and have a good laugh especially with the challenging year everyone has had and these ladies from Dermalogica make sure we do just that.

So we make the most of our time when we are lucky enough to have a Dermalogica trainer come in salon to spend one in one time with us. In doing this we also get to have treatments on ourselves which is a rarity such as a Dermalogica Peel and Facial. This means we get to be on the other end and experience our amazing Dermalogica products and treatments we offer here at Sass Beauty Salon, the same way you do.

We had a truly positive time refreshing and renewing our knowledge on Dermalogica Peels and Facials. Also learning some new tips and tricks to pass onto our beautiful clients here at Sass Beauty Salon. It’s so important for us to constantly improve our skills. We love to learn, to keep up with the constantly changing beauty world. So we can be the best beauty therapists we can and to bring you the results you deserve.

So thank you again Hayley and Anita the amazing ladies from Dermalogica. We love spending time with you both and can’t wait to do it again soon.

Sass Beauty Salon

Isn’t it time you chose a makeup brand that doubles as skincare?


Formulated with clean ingredients that are gentle enough for use on even the most sensitive skin, Youngblood Mineral Makeup provides healthy, flawless coverage that nourishes the skin without clogging pores or causing irritation.

Founded over 20 years ago by former medical beauty therapist Pauline Youngblood, Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics was originally formulated in a medical setting for patients recovering from harsh medical procedures such as laser, chemical peels, skin needling, surgeries, and cancer treatments.


Knowing first-hand how reactive, sensitive and delicate the skin can be after cosmetic and medical procedures, Pauline sought to create a soothing, breathable foundation that would provide flawless coverage whilst encouraging the skin to heal.


Formulated with ultra-refined natural minerals of the highest quality and without common irritants like preservatives and fillers, Pauline’s patients loved the formula so much that they continued using it long after their skin had healed and urged her to make it commercially available.


Today, Youngblood Mineral Makeup offers a full range of clean, lightweight mineral makeup that wears beautifully on every skin type and offers natural, luxurious coverage that’s good for your skin. Youngblood formulas gently but effectively conceal skin concerns like rosacea, acne, eczema, pigmentation and more – dramatically improving the appearance of the skin while allowing it to breathe and function normally.


Thanks to its clean, skin-loving formula and natural, buildable coverage, for almost 25 years Youngblood has been the clear choice for makeup artists and beauty therapists around the world, as well as health-conscious individuals who want healthy, high-performance makeup that nourishes the skin and gives flawless, long-lasting coverage.

Youngblood is the crucial final step has been operating in Australia for over 20 years as a family-run Australian business.

Dermalogica Hydro Exfoliant new product on Sass shelves August 28th!

Hydro masque exfoliant

We are so excited to announce we are selling this new beauty product from this Friday! Pop into our beauty salon and pre purchase your very own hydro masque exfoliant, there are limited stocks of this Dermalogica product with our first order, and we are taking pre orders now before Dermalogica Hydro Exfoliant lands on our shelves!

Hydrating and exfoliating five-minute masque smoothes and renews for luminous beauty, healthy-looking skin from Dermalogica. Exfoliating Bamboo primes skin for optimal hydration. Snow Mushroom holds 450 x its weight in water – infusing skin with hydration, antioxidants and Vitamin D. Jojoba Ester and Amino Acids derived from Sugar Beets hydrate and help strengthen skin’s moisture barrier. Cucumber Extract provides a soothing, refreshing finish.


  • Exfoliates with Bamboo

  • Hydrates with Snow Mushroom

  • Delivers luminous, healthy-looking skin

how to use

Apply generously amount of Dermalogica Hydro Exfoliant to cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Massage in circular motions until spheres disappear. Let masque activate for 3-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and follow with your moisturizer. Use once or twice per week, or as recommended.

Purchase your very own Dermalogica product from our beauty salon online store or right here at our beauty salon which is located in Ferny Grove Brisbane, very close to surrounding areas such as Ferny Hills | Samford | Everton Hills | Grovely | Bunya | Keperra | McDowell | The Gap | Mitchelton | Arana Hills | Upper Kedron | Samford | Gaythorne | Stafford | Stafford Heights | Enoggera.